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Mondi to Close Paper Machine at Neusiedler Mill

Mondi to Close Paper Machine at Neusiedler Mill

Mondi has announced that they are to close one of the paper machines at their Neusiedler Mill in Austria. Mondi say the mill will focus on the strategic growth markets of...

Paper Excellence Announces Plans to Restart Paper Operations at Crofton Mill

Paper Excellence Announces Plans to Restart Paper Operations at Crofton Mill

Paper Excellence have announced that they will invest around $50 million to upgrade their paper mill in Crofton, BC. The investment sees the restart of its C2 paper machi...

Mondi Completes their Acquisition of the Duino Paper Mill

Mondi Completes their Acquisition of the Duino Paper Mill

Mondi have announced that they have completed their acquisition of the Duino Paper Mill in Italy from the Burgo Group. Mondi say that they plan to invest 200 million Euro...

Sylvamo Completes the Acquisition of Nymölla Mill

Sylvamo Completes the Acquisition of Nymölla Mill

Sylvamo have completed their acquisition of Stora Enso's uncoated freesheet paper mill in Nymölla, Sweden, for 150 million euros. The mill in Nymölla had produced several...

Arjowiggins UK in adminstration

Arjowiggins UK in adminstration

UK paper making has been dealt a further blow after Arjowiggins Group’s UK operations  including the historic mills at Stoneywood and Chartham were placed into administra...

Pixelle Specialty Solutions to close mill in Jay, Maine in 2023

Pixelle Specialty Solutions to close mill in Jay, Maine in 2023

Pixelle Specialty Solutions LLC, a leading manufacturer of specialty papers in North America, has announced the mill located in Jay, ME will close in the first quarter of...

Paper Excellence (Catalyst) Announces Curtailment of Crofton Paper Mill

Paper Excellence (Catalyst) Announces Curtailment of Crofton Paper Mill

North American Pulp and Paper Manufacturer Paper Excellence (Catalyst) have today announced a temporary reduction of activity at their mill in Crofton, British Colombia, ...

MetsaBoard Invests in their Husum Mill

MetsaBoard Invests in their Husum Mill

Metsaboard have announced that they are to invest 120 million Euros into their Husum Mill in Sweden to increase capacity of folding boxboard (FBB). Metsaboard say they ar...

Former Appvion Paper Mill May Have New Life

Former Appvion Paper Mill May Have New Life

The former Appvion Paper Mill in Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania, US, may have new life after it was purchased by a newly formed company called Roaring Spring Park LLC. In...

Domtar to Restart Fine Paper Mill

Domtar to Restart Fine Paper Mill

Domtar has announced that they are beginning to see the first signs of market recovery and as a result are going to restart their fine paper mill in Ashdown, USA. The Ash...


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